University of Barcelona High Throughput Plant Phenotyping (HTPP)

1. CIMMYT MaizeScanner

maize scanner 2.png


        (open access, all documentation available for direct download in the above link)

2. University of Barcelona CerealScanner

Field phenotyping tools for cereal breeding



  • Prof. Shawn Kefauver, Ph.D. Project Principal Investigator, University of Barcelona
  • Samir Kerfal, Ph.D. Project Lead, Syngenta
  • Jose Armando Fernandez Gallego, Algorithm Development, University of Barcelona
  • George El-Haddad, Software Engineer, Postlight


Administered by University of Barcelona / Dept. B.E.E.C.A. / Integrative Crop Ecophysiology Group

Funded in part by Syngenta Iberia, Spanish MINECO Juan de la Cierva IJCI-2014-20595, and the BPIN 2013000100103 Fellowship from the “Formación de Talento Humano de Alto Nivel, Gobernación del Tolima – Universidad del Tolima, Colombia”

Shawn Kefauver / CerealScanner

(access permission required, commercial entities should email Samir Kerfal for access at, or email Shawn Kefauver at for any other inquiries)


3. University of Barcelona MosaicTool

Data extraction and processing workflow for RGB, VNIR and TIR UAV crop phenotyping.


Prof. Shawn Kefauver, Ph.D. Project Principal Investigator, University of Barcelona

Adrian Gracia-Romero, University of Barcelona

Prof. José Luis Araus, Ph.D. University of Barcelona

George El-Haddad, Software Engineer, Postlight


Administered by University of Barcelona / Dept. B.E.E.C.A. / Integrative Crop Ecophysiology Group

Funded in part by Spanish MINECO Project AGL2016-76527-R and Juan de la Cierva IJCI-2014-20595

Shawn Kefauver / MosaicTool

(access permission required, email for any inquiries)



4. University of Barcelona CerealsMobile,

with Hue Enhanced Agricultural Temperature (H.E.A.T.)

Thermal imaging with CAT S60 mobile phone device with field trial design for data collection and RGB+TIR fusion analyses

Shawn Kefauver / H.E.A.T.

(access permission required, email for any inquiries)


5a. Breedpix Fusion Tables

Quick description of the Application:

1. Authorize application using in browser Google authentication & authorization
2. Fetch all or filtered records from the fusion table specified by Table ID
3, Process fetched records using Breedpix algorithm
4. Save results to CSV file locally
5. Store results online in the Google fusion table

Breedpix Fusion Tables app pic

Shawn Kefauver / fusion

(access permission required, email for any inquiries)

5b. CerealFusion Tables

Quick description of the Application:

1. Authorize application using in browser Google authentication & authorization
2. Fetch all or filtered records from the fusion table specified by Table ID
3, Process fetched records using the specific algorithms of the CerealScanner.
4. Save results to CSV file locally
5. Store results online in the Google fusion table

Shawn Kefauver / cerealfusion

(access permission required, email for any inquiries)