PC/server implementations for processing ODK Collect form image data into Google Fusion Tables.

These to applications are actually standalone PC/server applications that allow for cloud-based processing of ODK Collect forms and associated image data. This allows for the user to collect phenotyping data using a simple mobile application and then direct any PC connected to the internet to serve as the real-time cloud-based processing of that image data, thus relying on only the data connectivity of the mobile phone for uploading the completed data forms, whether 4G or using (potentially delayed) WiFi connectivity.

Breedpix Fusion Tables

Quick description of the Application:

1. Authorize application using in browser Google authentication & authorization
2. Fetch all or filtered records from the fusion table specified by Table ID
3, Process fetched records using Breedpix algorithm
4. Save results to CSV file locally
5. Store results online in the Google fusion table

Breedpix Fusion Tables app pic

Hosted at Gitlab:

Shawn Kefauver / fusion

(access permission required, email sckefauver@ub.edu for any inquiries)

CerealFusion Tables

Quick description of the Application:

1. Authorize application using in browser Google authentication & authorization

2. Fetch all or filtered records from the fusion table specified by Table ID

3.Implement OCR to read labels from ODK alternative image1.

4. Process fetched records from image2 using the specific algorithms of the CerealScanner.

5. Implement OCR to read labels from alternative image and save results to CSV file locally

6. Store results online in the Google fusion table


Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 11.50.44 AM.png


Hosted at Gitlab:

Shawn Kefauver / cerealfusion

(access permission required, email sckefauver@ub.edu for any inquiries)
